Winter Haven, Florida
A chain of lakes connected by canals with ramps and marinas service to launch boats, sets Winter Haven in Florida apart from any other city in North America. While this setting lends itself to fishing and boating pleasures, it is for water-skiing that Winter Haven has become best known. Dining at one of the fine restaurants along the lakes is another special pleasure that the chain of canals affords. The city is built around this network, so you are never far from cheerful blue water as long as you are in town in Winter Haven.

About the Community
The superb quality of lodgings ensures that every vacation in Winter Haven lingers pleasurably in the memory for a long time. The number of amenities may vary by budget and class, but the essential Florida signature of warm friendship and caring service is clearly evident, no matter which option you choose. A world of culinary delights awaits every family that comes here on vacation, and one can sample exotic food preparation styles and typical American fare with equal authenticity.
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Vicinity of Winter Haven
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Although some may fear that one would grow a lot of weight from all the indulgent eating during a Winter Haven vacation, but because there are many forms of sport, exercise, and outdoor recreation available which are made accessible in the most tempting manner. Fitness fanatics will have no problem finding tracks or gyms to keep their cardiovascular rates trim and muscles taut, while even a less active person will not be able to resist at least a refreshing walk in the becoming climate and scenic surroundings of Winter Haven.

Dining is not the only excess to which holiday-makers can look forward in Winter Haven. It is also a shopper’s haven as well. While elegant boutiques go to great lengths to display unusual and attractive goods, glittering and spacious malls tempt people of all ages to browse for hours on end-often lured into buying the excellent value offered.

Cypress Gardens has an amazing display of greenery to look at, and no matter how familiar you may be with theme parks, a visit to this splendidly restored precursor of Walt Disney World is a must. Old-timers will feel more than a twinge of nostalgia at the sight of the boardwalk, carousel, and Ferris wheel. The botanic splendor, for which the Park has always been known, has been assiduously preserved for nature enthusiasts and romantic lovers as well. As of 2011, the botanical garden portion had been preserved inside the newly formed Legoland Resort.

The only criticism that one can level against Winter Haven as a holiday destination of top choice, is that there is ever so much to see and do, that most people feel a sense of loss when it is time to return. They may be comforted by the knowledge that the Winter Haven community is ever ready to welcome every visitor again as soon as they can return.