North Bay Village, Florida
North Bay Village comprises three of the most scenic little islands surrounded by the deep blue waters of the ocean. The area is not even half a square mile, but the exceptional location makes it a favorite for people looking for a refreshing break.

About The Community
North Bay Village lies in the lap of Biscayne Bay and has Miami and Miami Beach nearby for famous company. North Bay Village routinely succeeds in enticing visitors away from the larger neighboring cities and beaches, for it has a better vacation atmosphere. About half of the approximately seven thousand plus people who live in North Bay Village are Hispanic, and their cheerful dispositions, easy friendship and genuine warmth is most beguiling to those who chance upon this delightful trio of islands.

Important Links (Suggest / Report)
North Bay Island, Harbor Island and Treasure Island are joined by a road named after John F. Kennedy. This also links the three islands with both Miami and Miami Beach. North Bay Village therefore has twin benefits of lying on top of the water in splendid isolation, and having easy access to the mainland at all times as well. North Bay Village is a delightful retreat that is tantalizingly close to an Miami International Airport and to the many attractions of coastal Florida.

Vicinity of North Bay Village
Additional Details
Dining pleasures rule the roost for many during their interludes in North Bay Village. Fresh sea food, delicately flavored and plated with artistry, is an experience to savor at a place on the waterfront. North Bay Village has an interesting array of restaurants from which to choose. Shuckers Waterfront Bar & Grill is highly recommended by North Bay Village regulars for its ability to present regional cuisine with a touch of its own.

The Best Western Inn is eminently geared to welcome guests who prefer the quietude of North Bay Village to the bustling mainland. Children delight especially in the facilities for swimming and court games, and just playing in the inviting sunshine. The rooms lack nothing by way of modern amenities, and one can stay in touch with the entire world, thanks to the elaborate communication facilities.
The scarce land resources of North Bay Village have many demands on them, given its exceptional location. Many people tire of the pressures of Miami and long for the relative peace of the islands. Demand for accommodation has spurred developers to plan tall condominiums, and the ugly prospects have many local interests rushing to the courts for relief. Hopefully, North Bay Village will find harmonious compromises to receive its growing numbers of suitors without losing its pristine beauty.