Safety Harbor, Florida
Safety Harbor has many claims to fame and yet, is a secret hideaway, nestled along the northwest edge of Old Tampa Bay in Pinellas County. It offers a quaint small town ambience with the conveniences of its large neighbors, Clearwater and Tampa. It is growing as a popular bedroom community with young families who live and work in the large neighboring cities.

About The Community
Safety Harbor was incorporated in 1917 with a population of just 200. Today over seventeen thousand multicultural people live here. Count Odet Philippe, a French surgeon in Napoleon’s navy first homesteaded here in 1823. He is supposed to have introduced citrus growing to Florida and the rest is history. His homestead is now the site of Philippe Park a 122-acre park managed by the Pinellas County. An Indian ceremonial mound exists in this oak shaded park on the banks of Old Tampa Bay. The park offers many recreational venues including covered picnic pavilions, walking trail, a boat ramp and the opportunity to appreciate the lush beauty of Safety Harbor’s natural fauna.

The Spanish believed the elusive Fountain of Youth to be the historic Espiritu Santo Springs, in Safety Harbor. These natural springs are well known for their curative powers. The famous Safety Harbor Resort and Spa, one of the world’s finest spa destinations occupies 22 acres of pristine Florida coastline around the springs. It is the perfect place to relax and release one’s tensions. The resort has been in existence for over sixty years and its elegant Main Dining Room where town residents filled pitchers with the free flowing mineral spring’s water is the resort’s focal point. Make the most of the fifty thousand square foot spa and fitness center, including sauna, steam, whirlpools, plunge pools and cardio/weight rooms. Relax at Tiki Pool Bar & Grill and tennis courts and take one of the pampering treatments at this historical resort.
Important Links (Suggest / Report)
Safety Harbor’s Main Street area, with its brick paved streets, canopied sidewalks and palm treed thoroughfare offers specialty shops, unique restaurants, fine galleries and antiques in colorful bungalows. Savor the special ambience of the town while you sip a cappuccino under the shade of an old oak tree.

Mease Countryside Hospital is the fastest-growing hospital in Pinellas County and has made excellent health care available to local residents. Two other employees in the city are Firmenich, makers of perfumes and flavors and Angelica Corporation suppliers of hospital linen.
Vicinity of Safety Harbor
Additional Details
The Safety Harbor Marina & Pier is the site for community events throughout the year including the Harbor Sounds Seafood and Music Festival and Fourth of July Festivities. The Safety Harbor Fishing Pier is located just south of the Safety Harbor Spa. Relax in the adjoining Bayshore Linear Park with a covered pavilion and benches. This area is home to an interesting assortment of marine life including the popular manatee.

Since 1970, Safety Harbor Museum offers visitors a rare opportunity to trace the history of Safety Harbor and the surrounding Tampa Bay area from prehistoric to modern times. It also holds special rotating exhibits.